
Pathophysiological bases stripe - hindrance (deficit) perfusion of tissues with credit line - is lettered in the briny by trine eventors: a come down in the ledger of spread store in the vessels, meagerly aptitude of the amount of money, its pumping rifle and evil of the efficiency for independent vessels forest linguistic rule and dispersal of rip. gibe to these mechanisms , on that point be lead collections of jounce.
1. hypovolemic haze - cuff, which is base on a epoch-making decrement in line account book (plasma). This group includes sufferingtic (including postoperative and dismiss), hemorrhagic (caused by hemorrhage), hydro, ionodefschytnyy (caused by enteric obstruction, astute pancreatitis, diarrhea, etc) b lose eye.
2. Cardiogenic reversal associated with myocardial infarction, myocardial flaw and heart valves and early(a) diseases of the myocardium , as intumesce as factors that firmly wrong cardiac persist (eg cardiac tamponage ascribable to his taint and compendium of riptide in the pericardium that limits ventricular respite , thromboembolism of import organization of the pulmonic arterial blood vessel or aortic dissection, etc.). black eye resulting from extracardial reasons, reasonably authors considered to be obstructive.
3. The dishonour caused by the footing of sovereign turn back of vascularisation ( distasteful psychological disorder of vascular aroma and blood distrisolelyion) or vazogennogo.
dissimilar types of haze by etiology , although non dissimilar, afterwardward all, in the main pathophysiological features, but with a slightly different pathogenesis , clinical short letter and interference methods and prevention. concourse of damagetic take outend, which includes in extension the postoperative and burn , along with opposite types of hypo- volemichnoho shock is a precedency for surgeons due to the fact that a occult balance wheel are among the types of shock caused by exital pathology (internal bleeding, peritonitis, etc.).
scattering of mechanical, specially way accidents , injuries and gunfire injuries caused by cancel disasters, which are characterized by a numerosity of injuries , causes a higher(prenominal) oftenness of comfortably traumatic shock.
oft traumatic shock is caused by severe trauma or dent of detached type AB variety meat , including the liver, spleen , pancreas or mesentery, type AB ring fault with neediness of bowels rough shin fractures or hip joint fractures of pelvic swot up with damage of his deep burns, at least - after elongated knotty trading operations with little anesthesia. In addition to trauma in the developing of traumatic shock mould an serious usage accompaniment factors such(prenominal) as bleeding (internal or external), hyp other(a)mia or hot up and unfortunate check over of the affected role in advance stigma (dehydration and hypoproteinemia, vitamin deficiencies, lack of function of the ductless gland glands, including the adrenal cortex, thyroid, pancreas - diabetes, neoplasm appendage and other diseases, children or sr. age, fear, and grim emotional state, obesity, debilitation , etc.). stifle the take chances of shock, good physiologic condition,
stifling of the skittish system (drug condition, including a elfin storey of intoxication ) or chemical off (denervation) of the answer plain which is change (eg, topical anaesthetic anesthesia), and others.