Essay on Census
Over the years, the population problem persecuted countries around the world . Factors such as mortality and fertility rates tend to balance the situation of the population , but there are other features that should be considered such as fertility , birth control technology , medicine, health, and immigration / urbanization. Every country in the world has its own unique pattern of the population. Individually picture may seem unimportant, but collectively all models to control the population worlds. Means for measuring the population in the United States called the census. The census is a periodic government count the population. Census Bureau conducts a census every 10 years . The 2000 census shows that the U.S. population is over 280 million people making it the third largest populated country in the world after China and India. The United States also has the fastest growing population in the world because of our high birth rates and immigration. The Census Bureau predicts that levels of fertility and immigration remain the same after 50 years, the population would increase 120 million . If this prediction is correct , that means that the number of people currently living west of the Mississippi River will be added to the existing population . Currently, the population is growing about 3 million people a year. Fertility is a major factor of population movement in the United States , as well as a characteristic that affects both men and women. Although the United States has a fertility rate which is 35% higher than those in Canada and Europe , every day more and more people were found sterile.
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